
bincs can be used to create profileplots of ChIP-Seq data for predefined regions.

Example Output


Fig. 2 A log2-ratio profileplot showing each sample against the pooled input for the group fibroblast.


There are three targets for creating regular profileplots: log2_ratio_profileplots, chip_profileplots and input_profileplots. The log2_ratio_profileplots creates a profileplot of each ChIP sample against the pooled input for each group in the sample sheet. The chip_profileplots and input_profileplots create profileplots of the RPKM-normalized ChIP or Input files for each group.


There are several settings that can be used to choose which regions should be included in the profileplots and how much of each region to display.

Predefined Regions

The regions list in the config file can be used to select which regions should be graphed. If you are using a gencode gff3 The valid options are:

CDS, exon, five_prime_UTR, gene, start_codon, stop_codon,
stop_codon_redefined_as_selenocysteine, three_prime_UTR, transcript,

Using this list relies on having a gff3 annotation file set in your config. See

If you do not have a gencode gff3, the UCSC refgene database will be used. Then the valid region options are:

  - exon
  - gene
  - internal_exon

Custom Regions

If a you do not have a gff3 annotation available for your genome, you can use the custom_regions option in the config. This is a dict where the keys are region type names and the values are the path to a bed file denoting the regions.

  quantiles_internal_exon: test_data/WT.internal_exon.bed
  quantiles_exon: test_data/WT.exon.bed
  quantiles_gene: test_data/WT.gene.bed

The bed files should have a header and at least six columns. You can give an optional seventh column which must be called deepTools_group. It is used by deeptools to show each group separately in the profileplots. In the example below, the deepTools_group variable is used to show different quantiles of expression separately. The deepTools_group variable must be sorted. If a seventh column is used, you must use the exact header names shown below.

Listing 2 Example bed-file with regions to display in the profileplot.
#chrom  start   end     name    score   strand  deepTools_group
chr2    241252956       241253035       exon:ENST00000391975.5:11       .       -       0
chr9    133103746       133103833       exon:ENST00000424572.1:5        .       -       0
chr17   32208106        32208309        exon:ENST00000584692.1:3        .       +       0
chr17   32207511        32207563        exon:ENST00000584692.1:2        .       +       0
chr17   82236728        82236872        exon:ENST00000584689.5:3        .       +       0
chr17   82235982        82236231        exon:ENST00000584689.5:2        .       +       0
chr9    133104262       133104331       exon:ENST00000424572.1:4        .       -       0
chr9    133105931       133106016       exon:ENST00000424572.1:3        .       -       0
chr9    133106644       133106748       exon:ENST00000424572.1:2        .       -       0
chr5    122391088       122391191       exon:ENST00000509154.6:3        .       +       75-100
chr5    122336787       122336904       exon:ENST00000509154.6:2        .       +       75-100
chr1    160282038       160282200       exon:ENST00000392220.2:5        .       -       75-100
chr1    160282416       160282502       exon:ENST00000392220.2:4        .       -       75-100
chr1    160282943       160283109       exon:ENST00000392220.2:3        .       -       75-100
chr1    160283529       160283639       exon:ENST00000392220.2:2        .       -       75-100
chr12   98832028        98832136        exon:ENST00000552748.5:2        .       -       75-100
chr12   98829173        98829353        exon:ENST00000552748.5:3        .       -       75-100
chr4    59429   59556   exon:ENST00000509152.3:2        .       +       75-100
chr1    36307769        36307825        exon:ENST00000505871.6:3        .       +       75-100

Size of region around TSS/TES to graph

To set the size of the regions before the TSS and after the TSS to graph, use the flags

tss_distance_gene: 3000
tss_distance_other: 500

The setting tss_distance_gene will be used for all region names that contain “gene” in the name, otherwise the setting tss_distance_other will be used.